Today I totally a not a good day for me!! haha why ???
Because I have been investigated by 3 girls Peggy , Cindy , Stephie !!
What they want to know about me ? SAM GOT SECRET ....
What secret !! bet you will know once you read the previous blog ...
Just want to say thanks for all of you all concern !! but I really in the group or rather non-couples out there in exclusive relationship ...
Yupeee ! you heard me... Get my meaning or you want me to run that by you again ?
Well it's basically two people who are dating only each other but are not going out and not each other's boyfriend or girlfriend and claim to be single! hehe !! I definitely was that type of person !! So not a lot of people can accept me !!
WHY ??? Typically it would be a boy and girl who for whatever reason find that they are attracted to another boy or girl. But for reasons unknown or known to them they are scared and hesitant about getting into a proper relationship.
So when I start hanging out with her and when you ask me if it's a date I say "NO" we're jus friends. I realise that expectation will increase and the relationship is doomed after the label is given !! so be friend with her is a lot of benefit !! who she is what her name ! is not important !! hehe
I might not ready for another relationship as I just don't want to be responsible for another person's happiness ! I might give my soul to her if I couple again !! haha just scare cannot control myself !! Is better to isolate from her ! or not !! Previous experience make me suffer like hell man !! Gone through a lot of healing process haha!! I just a idiot afterall !! So now I only concentrate on study and playing mostly !!
I always go out with different girl and tell everyone I single and sometimes I grudgingly admit I am dating "someone" but more often than not I deny it !! hehe This is because may be I want to keep my options open. open to whom I say ?? I only texting and calling them all the time !! I do not know which type of girl I want ! confusing !!
Why I behave like that !! Once Jeff told me I changed a lot since the incident happen to me ! I am protecting myself from being hurt taking things very slowly after learning from past relationships not wanting to share not wanting responsibility !!! I am doing it in my way ! May be that the Sam or may be that not me !!
SO I admit I do have a great non-relatioshipwith a lot of people ! I am in denial and it just takes some time before me and another person succumb to being in a real relationship !! But I would know that my friend won't make fun of me when I tell them who is her !! So guys give me sometime before I let you know the answer ya ! You all know her ! You will be surprise why I have a good feel towards her !! erm me and her are different world !I only would say She good girl I bad boy! Heaven and hell !!haha !! Is my wish to keep it a secret !! SO hope you all don't force me again !! ok ! Later me and her can't be friend anymore ! I do trust you !! just from the past let me know that !! No one can trust ! It doesn't mean that I do not trust you guy !! may be this one a bit difficulties ! Is not hard to guess who she is! may be you will know someday sometime !!! just give me some boundaries !! I really need it !! THANKS YA !
seriously I don't want to talk or mention about it!! suddenly you all mention this to me !! make me feel got the strengh to tell you all who she is !!! anyway the I hope it would not be review to anyone ! god bless !